This pattern is practiced by the 8th grade holder and above
Dan-Gun tu
Walking Stance High Front Punch
(Gunnun So Nopunde AP Jirugi)
L-Stance Twin Forearm Block
(Niunja So Sang Palmok Makgi)
Walking Stance Forearm Rising Block
(Gunnun so Palmok Chookyo Makgi)
L-stance Middle Knife-Hand Side strike
(Niunja so Kaunde Sonkal Yop Taerigi)
Skip Front Snap Kick
(Durokamyo Apcha Busigi)
Skip Side Piercing Kick
(Durokamyo Yopcha Jirugi)
Turning Kick
(Tollyo Chagi)
Front Snap Kick
Side Piercing Kick
Knife-Hand Strike
Front Snap Kick (1 Piece of Board)
Side Piercing Kick (1 Piece of Board)
Fore-Fist Punch (1 Piece of Board)
The history and meaning of Dan-Gun Tul
Explanation of above hand and foot techniques
History of Taekwon-Do
What is Tul (Pattern)
History of your national Taekwon-Do association
Knowledge of Previous grades' techniques